Join the society

Join us page – picture of a young Guinea baboon

Anybody who is interested in Behavioural Biology or who would like to otherwise support the aims of our society is very welcome to become a member! Members receive a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Reduced registration fees for meetings of the society
  • Eligibility for the prestigious Tinbergen Award
  • Eligibility for travel bursaries for meetings (co-)organised by our society
  • Eligibility for research grants of up to €5,000
  • Semi-annual newsletter (EthoNews) with news, activities and events
  • Regular updates with news, events and jobs
  • Free advertisement of jobs and events via e-mail, EthoNews or website (if deemed suitable)
  • Free career advice by experienced community members

Annual membership fees are currently €25 for full members and €10 for unwaged/student members. Please fill in and sign the application form and send it to our manager via e-mail or post (see below). The Ethologische Gesellschaft is happy to wave the fees for everyone who would like to join the society but is unable to pay the fees due to individual circumstances. If you would like to apply for a fee waiver, please contact our manager.

Dr Manon Schweinfurth
University of St Andrews
School of Psychology & Neuroscience
St Mary’s Quad, St Andrews, KY16 9JP, United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 1334 463040
Email: ms397[at]

You can withdraw from our society at any time, although we would be really sad to see you leaving. Please use this form and send it to our manager.

To avoid transferring the fees manually, you can also authorise the Ethologische Gesellschaft to send instructions to your bank to debit your account with the fees annually, i.e. SEPA Direct Debit mandate. Please fill in and sign the payment form and send it to our treasurer via e-mail or post:

Dr Rebecca Rimbach
University of Münster
Institute for Neuro- and Behavioural Biology
Department of Behavioural Biology
Badestraße 13, 48149 Münster, Germany
Tel.: +49 251 83 21268
Email: rrimbach[at]

If you would like to support the Ethologische Gesellschaft further, you are welcome to put up a poster at your institute. We created an informative poster that summarises what the society stands for. You can download the poster as a PDF here. Many thanks for your support!